About Oceanside Malibu Addiction Treatment Center
Addiction is a complex issue and no single treatment approach is going to work for everyone. That is why a full spectrum support approach is so important. We believe that to ensure long-lasting recovery, addiction treatment must meet each person’s unique needs. While some patients can be served by counseling alone, others may require medications to overcome their addiction.
Clients who arrive at Oceanside are valued, supported, and recognized as unique persons who are capable of change. Our multidisciplinary team of licensed and highly skilled professionals includes: psychiatrists, psychologists, medical providers, nurses, nutritionists, exercise physiologists, master-level therapists, substance use counselors, sober coaches and specialty counselors.
Boasting the highest staff to client ratio found anywhere, the team at Oceanside have the experience to also recognize when addiction is not the only issue. It’s a fact that many people can turn to substance abuse as a form of self-medication from other disorders such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, trauma and the like. In order to achieve a healthy, successful and long-lasting recovery, these underlying issues will be addressed during the rehabilitation process.
In addition to treating substance use disorders, we also provide assessment and treatment of process addictions such as video game addiction, online gaming, compulsive gambling, non-suicidal self-injury, and eating disorders. Our full spectrum support approach to treating co-occurring disorders allows us to help our clients recognize patterns of addiction and manage triggers more effectively in recovery.