I have been sober for 7+ years, but I believe that was through the help of AA and a good Therapist rather than the facility. All Vista did was get me dry. I don't think I would have stayed that way without AA. It was what worked. My Psychiatrist and Therapist got the right medications and kept the pieces together so that AA could do it's magic Vista used an AA apreoach, plus communication training. We had Occipational and Physical Outdoor activities. We read the Big Book stories and attended meetings. It was hard to understand what that meant. Three psychatrists plus one or more social workers were the treatment team. They would decend on you once a day to discuss your case. It was very scary and overwhelming. I my case they wanted me to enter a 30 day treatment program out of state which I found undoable from a cost and family perspective. Facility, Staff, Food (which has now changed negitivly),Program. Psychiatrists, Not enough individual time with theapists, Not explaining the rules and routine to new patients at check-in, Fortunately, I am strong willed and found AA so I remain sober.