If you’re looking to help yourself or someone you love struggling with substance abuse in Mattamiscontis Township, ME, Alcohol.org provides vast online database of inpatient facilities, as well as a host of other alternatives. We can assist you in locating addiction care centers for a variety of addictions. Search for a top rehabilitation program in Mattamiscontis Township now, and take off on the path to a sober life.
Alcohol.org is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). AAC is a leading rehabilitation provider, offering all levels of care from detox to sober living, including 9 inpatient facilities nationwide.
Also was a two time resident. Accommodations and food were over the top, treatment not so much.
I don't think they have stregths Weakness in all areas Should be reevaluated.
Foundation house provides a unique environment for recovery. If you are willing to put the work in, there is so much you can get out of this program.