If you’re looking to help yourself or someone you love struggling with drug or alcohol abuse issues in Silverton, OH, Alcohol.org maintains massive Internet database of private centers, as well as a wealth of alternatives. We can help you in locating substance abuse treatment clinics for a variety of addictions. Search for a top rated rehabilitation clinic in Silverton now, and launch on the road to clean and sober living.
Alcohol.org is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). AAC is a leading rehabilitation provider, offering all levels of care from detox to sober living, including 9 inpatient facilities nationwide.
My brother is here for the 90-day treatment program. It's effective and the staff are caring. Great place if you are serious about getting well.
Strengths: attentiveness, secure safe enviroment, food. Weaknesses: understaffed for proper one to one treatments, stay is too short for group treatments before your released. family meetings are brief and do not placate them to how you are doing.
Doesn't have the family involved in the treatment plan hands on. I personally do not have experience, it was my husband who attended. In our area at the time there wasn't many places to go to unless you have thousands of dollars; it costs more to get clean & sober than to keep using. Luckily this facility does offer beds to people with Medicaid, being that majority of people that use are in the low income bracket & qualify for government help.